With the increase in mobile usage, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your website is optimized for mobile users. That way, you can ensure that customers can find your site on their smartphones or tablet and that they will have the best experience while they’re there.
Google has already cleared that websites that do not consider mobile search risk losing their rankings in mobile search results.
To optimize your mobile website and not lack any point of ranking, here are the top 5 strategies that can help you do that easily!
Check the landing page speed:
Google determines site speed as one of the factors in search engine ranking, and site load time can also affect how mobile visitors perceive and interact with your business. If a site takes more than 8-10 seconds to load on a typical smartphone connection, visitors are more likely to bounce from the page and leave before interacting with any other content. That’s why mobile sites need to be as fast as possible.
If you’re not professional enough to handle it on your own, get in touch with Digital Marketing Services in Hyderabad. We offer affordable digital marketing and development services that will help you increase sales.
Test Your Site Using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Tool
Google has developed a tool to help you check if your site is mobile-friendly. Entering a URL in their tool will instantly assess whether your site passes or fails. The test includes the size of text, clarity of icons, use of images, page load speed, etc. You can also see the percentage with which your website passed this test.
Some errors might be too technical for you to resolve. Asking for help will help you troubleshoot the website issues. Book your appointment with Digital Marketing Services in Hyderabad and enjoy a better rank in search engine results and higher traffic on your site.
Choose Responsive Themes and Plugins
When looking for a WordPress theme, you must choose a responsive one. Responsive themes resize themselves based on the size of the user’s screen. Make sure that when you choose a theme, it has different versions and supports more than just a desktop screen size.
Another thing that can be done to optimize your site for mobile search optimization is installing plugins such as Yoast’s Rank-Mobile Plugin or Google Analytics Remarketing App Filter.
Redesign Your Pop-ups for Mobile Devices
With more & more people using mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, you must have a pop-up design that is mobile optimized. This means the pop-ups will appear on the top or bottom of the page instead of taking up a large part of the screen.
Make sure you’ve added a mobile-optimized ‘Skip’ button, so people can easily navigate past your pop-ups if they don’t want to interact. Use audio cues and text descriptions that are concise, so people on a small screen can quickly understand what you’re offering.
Redesign Your Pop-ups for Mobile Devices
It’s important to redesign your pop-ups, so they are viewable on mobile devices. This is where they will be most beneficial since you want them seen. Therefore, we’ve come up with some ideas and designs you can use on your website and pictures of them on mobile phones.
They should have one or two lines of text with a call to action. Keep pop-ups away from the bottom of the screen, where they’ll be hard for users to see.
Importance of Optimizing Website for Mobile Users
People are accessing the internet from their phones more than ever before. This is why it’s so important that your website is optimized for mobile users. There are more ways you can make your site more accessible and usable on smaller screens, including responsive design and an AMP version of your content. Make sure you test these things out on multiple platforms and devices to be sure they work as desired!
In the Bottomline
In the digital age, it’s more important than ever to think about how you can optimize your website for mobile search optimization. Ensuring you’re up-to-date on the latest and greatest coding trends will help ensure that you’re on Google’s good side. Speed up your website and lighten it so visitors find it convenient.